e shtunë, 30 qershor 2007



e martë, 26 qershor 2007

e shtunë, 16 qershor 2007


The Great Claim

The Lord of the Lords, the World Saviour (Redeemer) of ALL the religions, the return of Christ,
In Memory of Mona and the 10 bahais women martyrs
18th june 1983

"Mona replied, 'Mother, If I knew that during each year I spend in prison only a few people

become Baha'is, I would wish that I could spend a hundred thousand years in prison.'

"And if I knew that because of my execution, all the youth of the world would arise, join hands in service to humanity, become selfless, teach the world about Baha'i ideals and try to move the world, I would beg Baha'u'llah to give me 100,000 lives to sacrifice in his path.'

"Mother, do you know that they are going to execute me?"

"You know mother, at the place where they're going to take us for our execution,
we will have to go up and stand on something high

where they will put a rope around our necks...
Then I'm going to kiss noose and say a prayer

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From Exile to Exaltation
The Manifestation of God Baha'u'llah has consented to be bound with chains that mankind may be released from its boundage

Meditation for a 29th May 1892
The King of Glory BAHA'U'LLAH THE GLORY OF GOD take His flight from this visible world to the placeless throne of eternity ON THE 29TH MAY AT 3.05 A.M IN 1892
prayers on temple site Port louis Mauritius

Tribute to the King
the passing of a Beloved KING

The Passing of Malietoa Tanumafili II King of Samoa
His Majesty Malietoa Tanumafili II,Samoa's Head of State, died in hospital on the evening of 11th May at the aged of 95.He was the oldest serving head of state in the world, and also the only living monarch who was a member of the Bahá'í Faith.

A Tribute to Shoghi Effendi Rabbàni (1897-1957)
The Beloved Guardian Of the Bahai Faith

WAR AND PEACE---See the end in the beginning
1st part is from Peace Initiative The second part from the Bahai Faith--Bahá'u'lláh said these words while he was a prisoner and exile he was banish from his birth place Teheran from country to country He suffered 40 years and die as a prisoner in AKKA --PLEASE VISIT www.bahai.org===Peace is inevitable...these ruinous war shall past away and The Most Great Peace will come.


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UNE PAGE D'HISTOIRE BAHAIS (1ER SERIE)L'histoire du premier chretien à accepter BAHA'U'LLAH comme le PROMIS DE TOUT LES AGES

The divine springtime has come arrayed in all her splendour and we raise our eyes in thankfulness to praise our one Creator.
Bahá'í New Year
Naw Ruz

Bahà'u'llàh : le Messager de Dieu pour toute l'Humanité.

Thy Name is My Healing

I am a child

prayers and meditation

A bahai view on prayers and meditation

Heaven and Hell ( for my japaneese friends)
wonders of the modern world - Travel
Baha'i World Center on wonders of the modern world - Travel Channel

Heaven and Hell - a Bahai view of life after death
for more information YOU ARE KINDLY INVITED TO CALL OUR BAHAI CENTRE around the Globe contact your nearest Bahai office


The Bab (1819-1850)
The Messenger and For-runner of BAHA'U'LLAH (THE GLORY OF THE FATHER The PROMISE ONE OF ALL AGES(The Bab like John the baptist prepare the way for the coming of the LORD -Please vist the Official bahai web site at www.bahai.org

Thomas Breakwell. His brief life may appear to have left no tangible legacy, but, as we shall learn through these pages, he was endowed with a truly remarkable station. Having become a Bahá'í in the summer of 1901, Thomas Breakwell passed away barely a year later, aged only 30. His life is surrounded by an aura of mystery. Described by 'Abdu'l-Bahá as 'a lamp amid the angels of high Heaven'[1] and by Shoghi Effendi as one of 'three luminaries'[2] shedding brilliant lustre on the annals of the Irish, English and Scottish Bahá'í communities, Thomas Breakwell's life certainly invites deep contemplation. Set afire with the love of God, his deep devotion exemplifies that profound mystical relationship which unites the lover with his Beloved. http://www.soulcast.com/post/show/15127/THOMAS--BREAKWELL

Light upon Light
God guideth whom He willeth To His Light

We will have ONE WORLD
Oneness of God = There is just one All Powerful Creator.
Oneness of Religion = God has taught us One Spiritual Truth, down through the ages through Prophets and Messengers
it is mankind that has separated these religions into different names; Oneness of Mankind = The time has come for Unity among all mankind. Baha'u'llah said: Ye are all the leaves of one tree and the drops of one ocean.

1956-2006 THE BAHAIS OF PORTLOUIS CELEBRATE THE 50th year of their community

Hizbollah/Israel conflict--PEACE WILL COME
"When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace."A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love.Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content.


The Iranian government's long term strategy to destroy the Bahá'í community without bringing undue international attention was cruelly outlined in a secret 2005 memorandum that aimed at establishing policy regarding "the Bahá'í question."read more on http://www.bahai.org/
-----"Bahá'u'lláh in prison was able to proclaim and establish the foundations of peace although two despotic kings were His enemies and oppressors. The King of Persia, Násiri'd-Dín Sháh, had killed twenty thousand Bahá'ís, martyrs who in absolute severance and complete willingness offered their lives joyfully for their faith. These two powerful and tyrannical kings could not withstand a prisoner; this Prisoner upheld the standard of humanity and brought the people of the Orient into agreement and unity ".


catchersmitt0 (1 hour ago)

Doing mean things to Bahai people is like pouring petrol on a fire.

jeffamir (1 day ago)
We are NOT NOT NOT ARABS. ( Muslim )We are all Persians .We worshiped GOD before Islam came to Persia .We have had always kings and we will have one soon.The Pahlavi Dynasty-has finishedPersian GOD will save us.GOD save THE NEW KING .If you want to Learn About Persia visit places like:art-arenaWe will come back and conquer persia and a new KING will rise once more .GOD save THE NEW KING .


kr7437a (1 week ago) Marked as spam
" The stream of conversions of Muslim `ulama slowed a little after the intense persecutions of the Babi period but it by no means stopped. Several of the most prominent followers of Baha'u'llah had previously been important Muslim clerics. Of the 19 persons named by Shoghi Effendi as "Apostles of Baha'u'llah" (q.v.), at least ten were `ulama and of these four had been prominent mullas or mujtahids before their conversion."
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kr7437a (1 week ago) Marked as spam
I agree, TRAUBC. I think it also important to mention that some of the Bab's most devoted followers were mullahs or mujtahids (scholar of Islamic law).
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mgurason (2 weeks ago) Marked as spam
humans are the cleverest yet dumbest of all creatures. imagine a cow hating a dog for believing an wagging its tail... we all believe in different things and i wish humans could just agree to disagree and do that in a peaceful manner
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gapmark (3 weeks ago) Marked as spam
Very moving indeed, with beautiful music ("7 Martyrs" was particularly moving.) I have always thought the Spiritual Assembly members of Iran 1980 must have been an extremely special group to have been given the chance to quaff the Cup of Martyrdom as together an Assembly(assuming they have been killed). Thank you for sharing with me faces that I can now put to such a heroic point.
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onehome (3 weeks ago) Marked as spam
Bahailer tum Ilahi dinlere inanirlar. Hz.Muhammed ve kutsal kitabi olmadan Bahai dini bugunku varligini ilan edemezdi. Hz. Muhammed belli bir donemi sonlandirmis Ilahi bir Zuhurdur buna karsi kimse duramaz. "We are all members of the same family" Peace and love everyone :) MAy God bless you all.
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onehome (3 weeks ago) Marked as spam
In case Uleka doesn't speak English here is the Turkish translation for you:"Dinler insanlari birlestiricidir, ayriliga sebep oluyorsa onsuz olmak en iyisidir buyuruyor Allah bugun. Unutmamak gerekir ki tum insanlari yaratan Allahtir ve tum dinler de O'nun katindan gelmistir. Ben de Bahaiyim ve su an yasadigim yere bakinca Muslumanlara cok iyi bakmadiklarini goruyorum ama ben elimden geldigince dinin iceriginin nasil aslinda bariscil oldugunu anlatiyorum.
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onehome (3 weeks ago) Marked as spam
Religion should bring unity if it is creating disunity it is better without it. This is what God tells us. We MUST always remember that God created all of us and all religions are from him. I'm a Baha'i yes but the place I live is not very friendly to Muslims but I always protect every religion and their believers because we all believe in the same God/Allah.
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uleka25 (3 weeks ago) Marked as spam
religion ISLAM allah ekbar

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kr7437a (1 week ago) Marked as spam
I agree, TRAUBC. I think it also important to mention that some of the Bab's most devoted followers were mullahs or mujtahids (scholar of Islamic law).
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kr7437a (1 week ago) Marked as spam
" The stream of conversions of Muslim `ulama slowed a little after the intense persecutions of the Babi period but it by no means stopped. Several of the most prominent followers of Baha'u'llah had previously been important Muslim clerics. Of the 19 persons named by Shoghi Effendi as "Apostles of Baha'u'llah" (q.v.), at least ten were `ulama and of these four had been prominent mullas or mujtahids before their conversion."
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cek14611 (1 month ago) Marked as spam
I must say that I am moved - I have heard of this persecution but was unaware how deep it ran - thanks
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merryberry1234 (1 month ago) Marked as spam
I have a Christian Missionary friend in India and he and his precious family were held hostage by Muslims at gunpoint for 7 hours. Because they "did not like" my friend's faith.No Muslims thank you very much.
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papijoon (1 month ago) Marked as spam
religious fanaticism,racial fanaticism, national fanaticism political fanaticism all such prejudices destroy the foundation of humanity and all these lead to bloodshed and the destruction of mankind
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merryberry1234 (1 month ago) Marked as spam
Why do Muslims want to kill everyone?
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SteveMarshall (1 month ago) Marked as spam
Let me quote US president, George Bush. It was 20 September 2001 and he was a little irked. Here's what he said:"I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans, and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful..."
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papijoon (2 months ago) Marked as spam
thank's a lot
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navidhendrix (2 months ago) Marked as spam
Well done. Excellent vid. It it making the rounds through email.
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papijoon (2 months ago) Marked as spam
thanks, brother
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Joewalshe38 (2 months ago) Marked as spam
Touching Video. Well done. Joe
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frazelle09 (5 months ago) Marked as spam
Wow. What a beautiful and moving video. My heartfelt thanks to the wonderful producers who have done such an outstanding job on this very delicate theme.i wonder if there is sufficient material to undertake a more detailed video, perhaps one on what happened during Bahá'u'lláh's ministry, the Master's and then the Guardian's?Again, thank you!
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omyheartdesire (5 months ago) Marked as spam
great idea ...need materials and sugestion love and thank u for the encouragementlove jo
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SponjWorthy (5 months ago) Marked as spam
"IranPersia" Look him up in wikipedia. What's amazing to me is you use him as a crutch for your argument that the Baha'is aren't discriminated against when he was executed for crimes against Islam? He wasn't even Baha'i, and he was executed for his beliefs. Being Baha'i was a false rumor to shake him from power.
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oosh (5 months ago) Marked as spam
'iranpersia' it was a rumour, no proof to back yourself up on. bahai's do not get involved in political affairs, therefore even if he was a bahai it was a label to destroy the faith, and it wont work.
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Mariopreciado (6 months ago) Marked as spam
The religion of peace? ja!
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IranPersia (6 months ago) Marked as spam
The situation is not as bad as they make it out to be in this clip. Lets not forget the only non-muslim Iranian Prime Minister was a Bahai by the name of Abbas Hoveida.
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SponjWorthy (6 months ago) Marked as spam
Spoken like a true follower of your Iranian president Kosheshneshad. Your facts are flawed in that the Iranian Prime Minister wasn't Bahai he may not have been Muslim but he wasn't counted among the members of the Bahai. Any government that has not completely separated church and state fails its people because it can not guarantee all of its people's safety. Mexico following the lead of Benito Juarez was able to successfully split Mexico's church from state. Iran will follow.
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zarandioon (6 months ago) Marked as spam
1)Is that why Islamic Republic of Iran executed this only non-Muslim Iranian Prime Minister?2) Hoveida and even his father were never a Bahai in any point of their His grandfather was a Bahai and his political opponents always tried to use this fact against him and he did whatever he could do to prove that he is not a Bahai and that is why when he was a president many of sacred Bahai places were destroyed
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zarandioon (6 months ago) Marked as spam
3)It is part of Bahai's beliefs that they should not interfere in politics because it has contradiction with their spiritual standards and this is another reason why Hoveida was never a Bahai.4)It is interesting that over 100 years of history you have found this instance to prove that the situation of Bahais is not that much bad but it is itself just another proof that Bahais have always been persecuted even in Shah's regime


zarandioon (6 months ago) Marked as spam
5) Lets assume that he were a Bahai does this change anything? 20,000 Bahais were executed over this short period of history and still Bahai youth cannot go to universities and there are hundreds of them in prisons
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thisfuture (6 months ago) Marked as spam
Dear"IranPersia",things are bad for everyone but for Baha'is is a nightmare. Cant go college, only privet jobs.Our marriages not recognized we are at risk of crimes associated with that,my children were told in front of other students in religious class that they are all conceived illegitimately, and that they were all Najess meaning dirty as pig and good Muslim must wash three times after touching them.If they considered you less then human or less then a pig what kind treatment will you get?
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masudrules (4 months ago) Marked as spam
iranpersia, i am quite offended, my fathers cousin was murdered in 1992 because of his adherence to the Baha'i Faith...the situation is bad my friend, very bad
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sabbynur (7 months ago) Marked as spam
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ommichi (7 months ago) Marked as spam
From Argentina, thanks for this amazing video.."La Tierra es un solo pais, la humanidad sus ciudadanos".
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mas361 (7 months ago) Marked as spam
this is an amazing video.. thanks to whoever made it.. !
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mepffftme (7 months ago) Marked as spam
I know people who went to prison in Iran because of their beliefs. And the Iranian government is still persecuting many Bahai's. And has not Muhhamed said not to treat the 'infidels' badly? Also when has a Bahai ever claimed that Islam is not a religion from God?
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b95gshawn (8 months ago) Marked as spam
Very well done thank you !!
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joonijoon (8 months ago) Marked as spam
No one shall come to the father other than through me-Jesus Christ.
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mahsasam (8 months ago) Marked as spam
Thank you for sharing this video.


nabilinho (9 months ago) Marked as spam
And my uncle was martyred as well, Dec 18 1981.
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ballsymove1977 (10 months ago) Marked as spam
Hey terry1919,Interesting statement there. Is that hope of military action against Iran just your own desire, or the reflection of your community? Any sustained attack on Iran will be met with a Russian and Chinese response. Think outside of your revenge-filled, myopic box a bit...
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terry1919 (11 months ago) Marked as spam
rest assured that the Iranian Government will recieve their just Desserts.....Even if it takes the US Military to arrange the meeting
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wingeyes (11 months ago) Marked as spam
wow the power of the internet, it is has passed on to ten countries that i know of so things are getting around and ignore the person who said that, it is like denying the holocaust
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TadigBoys (11 months ago) Marked as spam
what ? the government never killed bahais ? irrvolutionary, go tell that to my uncle who just came out of jail 2 years ago. He's been lucky not getting killed, some other bahais didnt get that chance ! You islamists can fight as long as you want, God created the Baha'i faith, humans will never be able to destroy it
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papijoon (11 months ago) Marked as spam
REPLIED TO IRREVOLUTIONARY--PART 5- And the likeness of a bad word is as a bad tree, which is felled from above the earth, and has no staying place. God answers those who believe with the sure word in this world's life and in the next; but God leads the wrong-doers astray; for God does what He will. ~ The Holy Qur'an, Sura 14 - Abraham, Peace be on Him
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mepffftme (7 months ago) Marked as spam
If you will be kind enough to perhaps read some of the Bahai writings or eprhaps seeing that you seem to know so much do some histroy research (by some famous european historians perhaps) you'll see that you might be a tad wrong
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omyheartdesire (11 months ago) Marked as spam
REPLIED TO IRREVOLUTIONARY--PART 3-- only truth will prevail. We have a lot of work ahead of us if we are to educate the Baha'is about the truth of their writings, because the only way we can do that is to find what is false in the writings. Tell me, please, what is false in the Baha'i writings, so I can tell the other Baha'is?
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papijoon (11 months ago) Marked as spam
REPLIED TO IRREVOLUTIONARY--PART 4- Dost thou not see how God strikes out a parable? A good word is like a good tree whose root is firm, and whose branches are in the sky; it gives its fruit at every season by the permission of its Lord-but God strikes out parables for men that haply they may be mindful.
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omyheartdesire (11 months ago) Marked as spam
REPLIED TO IRREVOLUTIONARY--PART 2. This is well documented and you can go to these countries today and find the Persian Baha'is doing very well, but missing their homeland.Today there are over 10 million Baha'is in the world. The poor Baha'is, so many that believe in false religion. But do not worry, my dear friend, because if it is false then God will look after them


omyheartdesire (11 months ago) Marked as spam
religious fanaticism,racial fanaticism, national fanaticism political fanaticism all such prejudices destroy the foundation of humanity and all these lead to bloodshed and the destruction of mankind
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papijoon (11 months ago) Marked as spam
For Bahá'ís of Muslim background, Bahá'u'lláh fulfils the promise of the Qur'an for the "Day of God" and the "Great Announcement," when "God" will come down "overshadowed with clouds." They see in the dramatic events of the Bábí and Bahá'í movements the fulfillment of many traditional statements of Muhammad, which have long been a puzzle
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Irrevolutionary (11 months ago) Marked as spam
the religion of bahai was created to counter the islamic religion in iran. therfore they were the ones against islam but GOD did not let them succed the are fakes and should be stopped and not allowed to spread their false religion. All the pictures havce no evidence that the Islamic Republic of Iran killed these people so dont show them and say the goverment killed them maybe the shah.
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omyheartdesire (11 months ago) Marked as spam
Irrevolutionary GOD CREATED THE BAHAI FAITH TO FULLFILL THE TEACHING OF MUHAMAD AND ALL THE MANIFESTATION OF THE PAST. (still now there is bahais in the prison of iran ) my friend dont let the religious prejudice make u blindsee the web site http://question.bahai.org/
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joonijoon (8 months ago) Marked as spam
The Majority of the prophets that were sent, represented by the Torrah, came to predict the coming of Christ, made large scale miracles that were vitnessed by thousands, and ofcourse the salvation of mankind through the blood of Jesus,as predicted in the first pages of the Torrah.
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omyheartdesire (11 months ago) Marked as spam
REPLIED TO IRREVOLUTIONARY--PART 1Yes, my friend.... but how did you know this? It is amazing that you have guessed the secret!One must ask themselves why there was need to counter Islamic religion in Iran. Today there are 350,000 Baha'is still in Iran. At the time of the revolution in 1979, hundreds of thousands of the Iranian Baha'is spread all over the world, to Canada and the United States, and to Australia and New Zealand, to countries in Europe and Africa.
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papijoon (11 months ago) Marked as spam
~ The Holy Qur'an, Sura 14 - Abraham, Peace be on Him (translation of E.H. Palmer)Whoever sows bad seed and expects good fruitHas cudgelled his brains for nought and begotten vain imaginations. ~ Gulistan of Sa'di (translatio of Edwin Arnold)
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terry1919 (11 months ago) Marked as spam
Gee all this time I thought that Bigoted Xenophobes only existed in Alabama... thank you for proving me wrong....
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nfunk79 (7 months ago) Marked as spam
The Shi'as who are responsible for unjustified death's of the Baha'is in Iran will be punished by god. They will be punsihed for their corruption, for their inhuman actions, and they will return to the vile place they arose from.
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navidhendrix (2 months ago) Marked as spam
It's really sad that your religious predjudice has made you blind to the reality of the situation. I shall pray for you.


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navidhendrix (2 months ago) Marked as spam
It's really sad that your religious predjudice has made you blind to the reality of the situation. I shall pray for you.
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navidhendrix (2 months ago) Marked as spam
That comment was for "Iranpersia"
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navidhendrix (2 months ago) Marked as spam
... and also for "Irrevolutionary"
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wingeyes (11 months ago) Marked as spam
hey this video has now sorta taken a life on it s owwn among the Bahais; because today someone emailed it to someone who lives here with me; that is good i do hope it gets around
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papijoon (11 months ago) Marked as spam
dearest i do hope its gone to the conscience of everyone -love jo
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egocentress (1 year ago) Marked as spam
I still dont understand why people get all upset over religon.
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papijoon (1 year ago) Marked as spam
in the essence and reality Religion are ONEprogressively revealed through Manifestation of ONE GOD, eternal in the past in eternal in the futurewe are in the turbulence of adolescence time in history of mankindbut we can see the begininng in the end there is hope , and mankind is beginning to understand the neccesity of unity in diversitylove jo
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RealSilentGirl (1 year ago) Marked as spam
That was sad :( the music was really moving.
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papijoon (1 year ago) Marked as spam
yes so sad and moving heart is touch and no words can describes the feelings of the oppressed bahais but with what courage and love they gaves their life for the CAUSE OF LOVE AND UNITY , THE FINAL GOAL OF RELIGIONS IS TO BRING TO-GETHER THE WHOLE FAMILY OF THE HUMAN RACES IN ONE FLOCK--IT WILL HAPPEN , THIS IS THE PROCEDURES OF GOD... (i stop here because i will write and write - (all the nices picture of the bahais , .... here on the videois has gave their life..love jo


Mona the angel of Shiraz--L'ANGE DE SHIRAZ

Mona aged 17 to-gether with 10 woman was executed for doing sunday school her religion was BAHAI, because of her youth and conspicuous innocence became, in a sense, a symbol of the group. In prison, she was lashed on the soles of her feet with a cable and forced to walk on bleeding feet.Yet she never waivered in her faith, even to the point of kissing the hands of her executioner, and then the rope, before putting it around her own throat.


Noon 9th july 1850
A young man was being led captive through the crowded streets. His neck was encased in a huge iron collar. Long ropes were fastened to the collar by means of which he was pulled through the rows of people lining the streets. When he faltered in his steps, the guards savagely jerked him on his way, or delivered a brutal well-aimed kick. Occasionally someone would dart out of the crowd, break through the guards, and strike the young man with a fist or a stick. Cheers of delight from the crowd accompanied each successful attack. When a stone or a piece of refuse, hurled from the mob, struck the young captive in the face, the guards and the crowd would burst into laughter. 'Rescue yourself, O great hero!' one of the pursuers called mockingly. 'Break asunder your bonds! produce for us a miracle!'